Big Bear Lake, CA, November 13, 2014 – On Monday, November 10, the Big Bear Lake Antique Car Club held their annual ‘Giveaway’, awarding over $18,000. in grants to many of the Valley’s charities. The awards they distribute represent the organizations profits from the annual “Fun Run” car show held in Big Bear Lake every August.
The local organizations assembled at the Discovery Center to receive their grant money included the following: Big Bear Lake Discovery Center ; Citizens On Patrol; Bear Mountain Dog Rescue; Fuzzy House Slipper Gang Service Dog Training; Miss Big Bear Valley Scholarship; AAUW Tech Trek Scholarship; Bear Valley Community Hospital Auxiliary; Bear Valley Community Nursery School; Big Bear Strings; Big Bear Valley Marine Corps Auxiliary; Kiwanis Mountain Fun Day, Teacher Supply Day Project & Hope For America; Civil Air Patrol; Seven Stars Foundation; Meals on Wheels; Big Bear Historical Society; Friends of the Big Bear Library; Big Bear Search and Rescue; and Teachers’ Special Needs.
The Big Bear Lake Antique Car Club also donates to Big Bear High School, the Rotary 4th of July Fireworks, and puts on the annual Pinewood Derby, providing every 5th grade student in the valley with a Pinewood Derby car kit.