Big Bear, CA, June 15, 2012 – Today is graduation day for Big Bear High School seniors. The graduation ceremony begins at the high school on Maple Lane at 4pm. All attendees must present a ticket for admittance. Kbear and the Breakthrough Task Force congratulates the graduating class of 2012, and their families, for this achievement and reminds grads and parents to celebrate responsibly. The newly adopted Social Host Ordinance by the City of Big Bear Lake City Council has just gone into effect on June 13th. The Ordinance states that adults who allow alcohol to be used or served to underage persons on property that they control will be held responsible. Adults who abuse the new law will be subject to fines and possible jail time whether they are home during the time of the infraction or not. Know the law, particularly during this time of celebration. If a member of the public needs to report an incident they are instructed to call the Big Bear Sheriff’s Station at 866-0100 and state if they see persons who appear to be underage seen drinking and may be under the influence. Another reminder to celebrate responsibly.