Big Bear, CA June 21, 2011 12:00 pm – What do communities do when phone lines, the Internet, and other communications are not working? During the recent tornadoes in the mid-west, amateur radio operators, often called “Hams”, stepped in. Many times this was the only way emergency services personnel and victims of the storms could communicate. In our area, the Big Bear Amateur Radio Club trains and prepares to maintain critical communications in case of wildfires, winter storms and other emergencies. This weekend, the public will have the opportunity to meet and talk with Big Bear ham radio operators, and see how 2.5 million amateur radio operators world-wide work together to provide emergency communications. Beginning at 11:00 am Saturday, through the night until 11:00 on Sunday morning, the Big Bear hams will be demonstrating the latest radio technologies, the history of amateur radio, and emergency communications abilities at their annual Field Day to be held in Bear Mountain Resort’s parking lot. Part of a nation-wide “Amateur Radio Week”, the Big Bear operators will use only emergency power supplies to demonstrate the power of modern amateur radio and that “When All Else Fails, Ham Radio Works”
For more information about the Big Bear Amateur Radio Club, go to http://bbarc.org/
[audio:https://kbhr933.com/wp-content/uploads/SP30839.mp3|titles=Amateur Radio Operators Field Day 2011]