Big Bear, CA, February 13, 2015 – The Scott Firefighter Stairclimb is a race up downtown Seattle’s Columbia Center. On March 8, six members of the Big Bear Fire Department will be running up 69 flights of stairs in full fire gear and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus in order to raise money to fight blood cancers. All proceeds benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Team Big Bear has a goal of raising $10,000 and they’ve planned a day of training and stair climbing where you can show your support and help “Fill the Boot” to fight blood cancers. Join them on Sunday, February 15 at the Vons Shopping Center for their Climb-A-Thon. A stair climber will be placed in the parking lot for eight hours and you will have the opportunity to watch Fire Fighters in full fire fighting gear train for the big event. Besides showing your support and donating at the training event, you can stop by any Big Bear Fire Station and donate, or visit firefighterstairclimb.org, click on the donate button, and search for Big Bear Fire Department.