Big Bear, Ca April 10, 2011 12:00 pm – The Civil Air Patrol’s Bear Valley Squadron #6750 will open their headquarters to the public on Saturday, April 16 beginning at 1:00 pm. Present at the event will be both adult and cadet members of the squadron to share information about their programs. The Civil Air Patrol’s mission includes providing emergency services, aerospace education, and the cadet program for youth ages 12 to 20. Adults can participate as pilots, scanners, and observers during aerial search and rescue missions, and as non-air crew in education, communications, and public affairs. The cadet program is a comprehensive aviation and leadership training program that can assist young men and women in any career, particularly if they choose to join a branch of the military. The cadets assist at airshows as traffic control and flightline security, volunteer as ground crews during search and rescue missions, and recently had an opportunity to take a ride over Southern California in an Air Force C17 cargo plane. The Civil Air Patrol is an auxiliary of the United States Air Force. The volunteer organization began in 1941, just days before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Saturday’s open house will include more about the organization’s history and a tour of the Bear Valley Squadron’s headquarters at Greenway and Meadow Lane at the Big Bear City Airport. For more information contact the Public Affairs Officer, Captain Jim Gundred at (909) 991-8298.