Big Bear News – Big Bear Lake, CA – Bear Valley Community Healthcare District is participating in the BETA HEART program for the third year in a row, and for the third year has taken home the
recognition of winning the BETA Heart Award!
Pictured below are Erin Wilson, John Friel, Kerri Jex
and Sheri Mursick representing the Administrative Team at BVCHD who received the award on
behalf of the organization.

Adverse events impact not only patients but patients’ families and clinical staff, who strive to provide safe, high quality care. The BETA HEART is an extensive program that includes five domains that pertain to responding to harmful events and encouraging transparency with patients and their families. BETA HEART is based on a philosophy of Healing, Empathy,
Accountability, Resolution and Trust. The five domains within the program include: Culture of Safety, Rapid Event Detection, Investigation and Determination, Communication and
Transparency, Care for the Caregiver and Early Resolution. This year BVCHD was validated in
the domains of Culture of Safety and Communication and Transparency.