Big Bear Lake, CA – The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, known as the GFOA, presented the Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency with it’s Distinguished Budget Award last night at the Agency’s Board meeting. This is the second consecutive year that BBARWA has received the award. The award was presented by Mr. Mark Alvarado, a representative of GFOA and the Administrative Services Director and Assistant City Manager of the City of Monrovia. According to Mr. Alvarado, the award represents a significant achievement by BBARWA and reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the award, BBARWA had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation and be rated “proficient” in fourteen mandatory criteria. The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association servicing over 17,600 government finance professionals throughout North America. The GFOA’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting.