The Governing Board of the Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency will convene for their regular meeting this evening at 5pm. Today’s meeting, to be held at BBARWA offices at 121 Palomino Drive in Big Bear City, will include discussion on the agency’s five-year capital improvement projects. Among those projects, initially discussed during the board’s budget workshop on February 13, is the possibility of replacing the balancing chamber, which is a sub-par concrete tank. Another potential CIP project is to implement a transfer switch for BBARWA’s administration building which would, in effect, be an economic decision as it would allow for the agency to go off the grid. At this time, the BBARWA Board is still a four-person entity (including City Council’s Liz Harris and Rick Herrick and CSD’s John Day and Rick Ollila) as the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors has not yet appointed Todd Murphy, or another representative from the Fawnskin area, to fill the fifth seat.