Big Bear Lake, CA, January 22, 2013 – At their regular meeting on January 14, 2013, the Big Bear Lake City Council received a presentation regarding the implementation of a “City Wide” Code Enforcement program tailored to address specific code violations that significantly detract from the overall appearance of the City. Issues identified include illegal A-Frame signs, banners, pole banners, window signage, outdoor displays, vehicle signs, commercial boat storage and outdoor storage. Most of the discussion centered around the New Sign Ordinance adopted this past year and the effort to begin enforcing the new requirements. The Ordinance includes revisions to the definitions, procedures, and design standards for signs, and the addition of incentives to allow increased sign area, regulation of electronic changeable copy to allow for modern technologies, and the elimination of portable freestanding signs to reduce sign clutter. Revisions to performance standards for outdoor displays involve reducing outdoor display area, regulating outdoor vending machines and prohibiting mannequins.