Big Bear, Ca, June 1, 2011, 12:00pm – This morning at Big Bear High School, the Junior and Senior classes watched the aftermath of a mock accident unfold before their eyes. The Every 15 Minutes program, that highlights the fact that every 15 minutes someone dies as a result of an alcohol related collision, put on a mock accident involving Big Bear High School students. California Highway Patrol, Big Bear City Fire, Big Bear Lake Fire, and Fawnskin Fire were all on hand to help demonstrate what happens after an accident, including taking those involved in the accident away on stretchers, using the jaws of life on a vehicle, and CHP Officer Ben Baker carried out an investigation of the accident, conducting sobriety tests on the driver of one of the vehicles. The storyline was that the students were out late after prom, and had been drinking when they got into the accident. The program will hopefully get the point across that drinking and driving has dire consequences, and that no one should ever drink and drive.
[audio:https://kbhr933.com/wp-content/uploads/SP30784.mp3|titles=Every 15 minutes]