Big Bear City, CA – Soroptimist International of Big Bear Valley announced an update today regarding their fundraising efforts to build a pool in Big Bear. For a three-year period beginning in 2005, Soroptimist’s campaigns for Man About Town and WO-MAT were earmarked to raise money for a community pool. The Soroptimist International of Big Bear Valley Youth Foundation continues to hold the funds raised over that three-year period in segregated accounts where they have grown through investment to $374,515.13. Our local Soroptimist organization is still looking for the partnership opportunity to make the dream of a pool a reality for the Big Bear Valley. Soroptimists are dedicated to preserving these assets until the proper grant or other community based funding is available. This years Man About Town campaign winners, Dave Leach and Gabriel Rojas, raised $60,508 for Soroptimist’s campaign to help Stop Teen Violence.