Big Bear, Ca, July 19, 2011, 3:00pm – The Big Bear City Fire Department has a new edition to its fleet. At the July 18th Big Bear City Community Services District, Fire Chief Jeff Willis presented the new engine to the CSD Board of Directors. According to the Big Bear City Fire Department, the new 2011 KME Type 1 Fire Engine was purchased in response to an aging fleet within the department. The cost of the new engine is $496,000, with associated tools costing an additional $112, 322. The engine meets all National Fire Protection Agency requirements for firefighter safety and is expected to serve the community for 30 years. Some of the new engines unique features include that it is specifically designed for mountain roads, all wheel drive for inclement weather, an enclosed cab for firefighter safety, and has a 1500 gallon per minute pumping capacity.
[audio:https://kbhr933.com/wp-content/uploads/SP30911.mp3|titles=New Fire Rig]