The Board of Commissioners for the Department of Water and Power did not vote on the resolution to redirect rehabiliation system fees on Tuesday—in fact, the item was pulled from the April 7 agenda and will be considered at a future meeting. The resolution, as proposed, was to redirect rehabilitation system fees toward O&M expenses in the next two fiscal years, as an alternative to a water rate increase. Though no action was taken on that item, the DWP Board did discuss why revenues for the agency are down. In measuring usage from 2008 against the same month in 2007, the amounts are considerably different and this is thought to be, in part, due to conservation efforts; both the DWP and other agencies in the greater Southern California area (which have pushed this message on television) have promoted water conservation which, having been adhered to, has resulted in lower usage totals; and, in the last six months, it was determined that the economy and reduced visitors to the mountains also contributed. In other news from the DWP meeting, Commissioners did approve authorization for staff to go out to bid for the construction of Lakeplant Well No. 6, which is located off Fox Farm Road. On Friday at 10:30am, the DWP’s Technical Review Team Committee will meet to discuss well water levels, new connection limitations, and possible cooperative projects for supplemental water, among other items.