The staff at the Big Bear City Community Services District continues their review of the district’s draft Water Master Plan. Though release of the document had been tentatively scheduled for August, according to CSD’s General Manager Mike Mayer at last night’s Board of Directors meeting, “The process is a very difficult one—there’s a lot of information and a lot of questions raised. The plan is to get all the written comments in late August [or] the first week in September.” Once comments by the Water Department overseen by Tim Moran and the Water Committee of Directors John Day and Rick Ollila are incorporated into the final document, it will be available for public review, now likely in September.
Mayer also outlined for the Board the results of CSD’s financial picture, given the close of fiscal year 2008/2009. As Mayer said, “We are fortunate to have experienced another very sound fiscal performance. I think the results speak for themselves—and, three years running, no increased charge for our services.” In terms of both revenues and O&M expenditures, CSD’s actual expenditures versus budget resulted in a positive variance. Director Jeff Newsome, as well as Directors Day, Ollila and Barbara Beck commended staff for their fiscally sound achievement and accurate budgeting, with Newsome noting, “To only be off a tenth of a percent in a lean year like this is remarkable!”
In other news from the meeting of August 17, Directors made their selection for the California Special Districts Association representative for Region 5 by choosing Chino Valley Fire District Director John DeMonaco, given Day’s motion and Beck’s personal experience in working with him. The vote for DeMonaco was unanimous, save for an absent Marge McDonald, who was out due to illness and, as it turns out, celebrating her 88th birthday today.