Big Bear City, CA — In last night’s meeting of the Board of Directors for the Big Bear City Community Services District, which oversees water, sewer and trash services for the unincorporated East Valley, the district’s 2010/2011 operating budget of $13.8 million was unanimously approved by Directors Marge McDonald, John Day, Rick Ollila and Jeff Newsome. As shared by CSD’s General Manager Mike Mayer before the Board on June 21, “Our strong financial condition places us in a very unique position in comparison to other governmental agencies. In this very difficult operating environment, we have achieved what most would consider not possible: maintaining our rates for water, sewer and solid waste collection services unchanged for the fourth fiscal year in a row, while ensuring the continuation of the high level of quality service our customers enjoy.” In addition to holding on fee increases, the miscellaneous employees of the district (which includes those in water, sewer and trash departments and general services) will receive a 2.4% cost of living increase. Added Mayer, “Management’s focus to find the most efficient and cost-effective approach to running the district’s business defines our commitment to excellence, producing spectacular results at a time when other government agencies are experiencing operational and financial difficulties.” In addition to budget adoption, the CSD Board also unanimously approved an ordinance to increase the water connection fee. The fee to new development will be $7,976, as recommended in CSD’s recently accepted Water Master Plan prepared by Daniel B. Stephens and Associates; in the past, this fee, coupled with meter installation, amounted to $7,508.