The Budget Calendar of the Big Bear City Community Services District for fiscal year 2009/2010 was reviewed and approved at last night’s meeting of the CSD Board of Directors. District staff held a budget kick-off meeting in February and with department meetings scheduled in the interim, the Annual Budget and Planning Workshop will take place on Tuesday, April 21 at 10am, at a location yet to be determined. Following the Board’s review of the draft budget at their regular meeting of May 4, copies will be available to the public. On May 18, also at the regular meeting of the CSD Board of Directors, public comment on the district’s budget will be welcomed, in anticipation of a final adoption on June 1.
In other financial news from the CSD meeting of March 2, Directors unanimously approved an expenditure of $73,000 from Water Department reserves to build a small Van Dusen booster station on CSD property at the north end of Wendy Avenue, to maximize water production for the slant wells (which currently provide 8% of CSD’s water annually, per Water Superintendent Tim Moran). As the earlier Van Dusen mainline improvement project cost about $21,00 less than allocated, these funds, coupled with the $73,000 approved from reserves, will cover cost of the booster station project, much of which will be completed by CSD staff.