Big Bear, CA, September 8, 2015 – The Governing Board of Bear Valley Unified School District will be selecting a new district superintendent. The trustees are soliciting community input about the desired characteristics to be used in recruiting and selecting this person. For instance, what personal and professional qualities for an incoming superintendent will be a match for the Bear Valley Unified School District?
Dr. Kent Bechler and Dr. Mike Escalante of Leadership Associates were selected to advise the Board in this important process. They will be in our district on September 16th and 17th . Individual input from members of the community (parents, employees, and others interested in our district) is desired. Individual input may be offered by individual or group appointment, letter, email or direct telephone conversation. Additionally, an online survey will be available on the District’s website. To access the survey go to: surveymonkey.com. Individual appointments may be scheduled at the School District Office on September 17th. To arrange an appointment, please call Shelley Black at (909) 866-4631. Group appointments have been scheduled as well and notices will be sent directly to those organizations. Emailed input may be sent to lhunt@leadershipassociates.org. To speak by phone to either Dr. Bechler or Dr. Escalante, you may call (760) 771-4277