Big Bear, Ca, November 24, 2010, 4:00pm – In keeping with the mission of saving lives the California Highway Patrol is reminding motorists that the Thanksgiving holiday is also a Maximum Enforcement Period. CHP Officers will be looking for motorists who are a danger to themselves or others on our state’s roadways. “During the holiday season many people are in a hurry and eager to get to their destination,” said Commissioner Joe Farrow. “It’s important to remember that safety should never take a back seat; be safe, pay attention to the road, never drink and drive and always buckle up.” Last year during CHP’s Thanksgiving holiday enforcement effort, 37 people were killed in collisions statewide; this represents a 12% increase from the previous year. The Thanksgiving Maximum Enforcement Period coincides with the statewide “click it or ticket” campaign with runs through November 29th. “Seat Belts save lives, and the majority of motorists in this state are buckling up,” said Commissioner Farrow. “Start the holidays off right; designate a non-drinking driver ahead of time and always wear your seat belt.”