Big Bear Lake, CA — During this week’s regular meeting of the Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District, overseen by Chairman Darrell Mulvihill of the Big Bear Lake City Council, the board moved to hold on a discussion/action item pertaining to the district’s 2010/2011 operating budget. Given a potential shortfall of $880,000 for the upcoming fiscal year within a roughly $5 million budget—said to be in large part due to a continuing decline in property taxes—the Fire Protection District will instead hold a workshop on Monday, to specifically address the operating budget. In addition to the Big Bear Lake Fire Protection District Board of Directors, which is comprised of City Council members, the 4pm workshop at the Big Bear Lake Civic Center on the 17th will also include Big Bear Lake Fire Chief Rod Ballard and other fire district management, union representatives from the Big Bear Lake Firefighters Association, and city staff, including those from the finance department.