Big Bear, Ca, November 29, 2011, 5:00pm – The Big Bear City Airport has opened its doors and is providing the AARP/ Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino’s local food distribution, a place to distribute food this month. The program that normally runs its distribution program out of the Senior Center had trouble finding a space this month due to the holiday season, and the wide array of events going on in the valley. Airport General Manager Pete Gwaltney decided to provide the program with a space to use on distribution day: Monday, December 19th from 12pm to 2pm, for free. The program provides over 65 families in need in the Big Bear area with food on a monthly basis. According to Big Bear City Airport Public Relations Director Cindy Venuto Chundak, Rick Samuelson and his wife help run the distribution, and really care about the community, so the airport was happy to help. For more information about the food distribution call Samuelson at 585-7233.