Big Bear News – Big Bear, CA – “There’s a one in ten chance your home or business has a leak which wastes 90 gallons or more per day,” explains Ms. Miele, Water Conservation and Communications Supervisor for the City of Big Bear Lake Department of Water (BBLDWP).
Last year the BBLDWP detected two thousand seven hundred and forty-nine customer leaks, more than 10% of all accounts. This number holds true nationally, which is why every March the EPA’s WaterSense® program recognizes Fix a Leak Week. This year the Big Bear Lake DWP invites customers to join them for a “Spring Cleaning” Fix A Leak week celebration March 14-20. “Let’s step up and take action to look for and repair those sneaky, silent leaks,” says Miele.
Join the annual event by sharing your leak horror story with DWP between March 14-20, 2022 by submitting your outdoor or indoor leak stories to the team at conservation@bbldwp.com or via the Department’s Facebook page at City of Big Bear Lake, Department of Water and Power (@BigBearWater) and you will be entered to win one of five outdoor water-saving kits, indoor water conservation supplies as well as other fun items for you and your family such as rain catch cups, soil moisture sensors, coloring books, native plant seeds, and a few other goodies.
Some of the most common types of leaks found in and around the home are worn toilet flappers, dripping faucets, and other leaking valves. These types of leaks are often easy to fix, requiring only a few tools and hardware that can pay for themselves in water savings. To help save water for future generations, BBLDWP is asking consumers to check, twist, and replace:
- Check for leaks. Look for dripping faucets, showerheads, sprinklers, and other fixtures. Also check for toilets with silent leaks by putting a few drops of food coloring into the tank, waiting 10 minutes, and seeing if color appears in the bowl before you flush. Don’t forget to check irrigation systems and spigots too.
- Twist and tighten hose and pipe connections. To save water without a noticeable difference in flow in your bathroom, twist on a WaterSense labeled faucet aerator.
- Replace the fixture if necessary. Look for WaterSense labeled models, which are independently certified to use 20 percent less water and perform as well as or better than standard models.
For more information on Fix a Leak Week, visit www.epa.gov/watersense.