Big Bear, Ca, December 5, 2011, 3:00pm – The Big Bear City Community Services District will hold its regular meeting tonight at 5:30pm, at the CSD offices, located on Big Bear Blvd, near Greenway Drive. On the agenda, the board will assign the Chief Board Advisor, with the following duties: to research alternative investment opportunities and actuarial recommendations for retiree health benefits. The board will also discuss and possibly approve an Apprentice Fire Fighter Program; in which paid call firefighters would apply to be in the program that would be a position for three years, in which they would work to become a full time fire fighter. According to Fire Chief Jeff Willis, other fire departments have similar programs in place and have seen good results. The CSD Board will also go into closed session, and will discuss the appointment processes for the Water Superintendent and the General Manager. The public is encouraged to attend the meeting and may speak during public comment time.