Big Bear City, CA — Last night’s Big Bear City Community Services District meeting was light on agenda items, though did come with one big announcement. CSD’s President Marge McDonald shared with those in attendance that CSD Director Barbara Beck, who was re-elected to the Board in 2008, had announced her resignation on April 5, sharing with CSD’s General Manager Mike Mayer that due to health issues she would be relocating to New Hampshire to live with her son. All told, Beck had served eight years for CSD and, per fellow Director Jeff Newsome at the Monday meeting, she was one of the most gracious local politicians he had ever come in contact with, noting that he would miss her poise and contributions. For her part, President McDonald says, “I have enjoyed working with Barbara, and I am very sorry to see her go, but it is more important for her to get good medical care and be with her family. We will miss her.” Beck’s term on the CSD Board extends through 2012 so, at the April 19 meeting, fellow Directors McDonald, Newsome and John Day and Rick Ollila will determine whether to appoint her replacement or put it to ballot on an upcoming election. If the CSD Board seeks applicants, a process that would be announced and posted at least 15 days prior to appointing a new director, McDonald tells KBHR, “It should be someone who has some knowledge of CSD and somebody that attends the CSD meetings.” CSD Directors McDonald, Newsome and Day, should they choose to run, will be up for re-election on the November 2 ballot of the Statewide General Election. (McDonald has already indicated that she will seek re-election.)
In other news from the April 5 meeting of the CSD Board, the Sewer System Management Plan, sections 8 through 11, was adopted, and Directors once again nominated Cucamonga Valley Water District Board member James Curatalo, as well as Steven Farrell of the Crestline Village Water District, to serve on the Local Agency Formation Commission. There was no reportable action from the closed session portion of the CSD meeting.