As of today, Rite Aid pharmacy will close although a definitive close date has not yet been set for the store. Rite Aid pharmacy customers will automatically have their prescriptions transferred to CVS. As of today, according to George Frahm, Executive Vice President of Retail Operations for Stater Bros. Markets, employees of Stater Bros. and Vons who belong to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, have just received permission to transfer their prescriptions to Medical Arts Pharmacy, in business in Big Bear for 30 years. Previously, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, who receive their benefits through a trust fund, were unable to use any local pharmacy other than Rite Aid per the rules of the trust fund. This new agreement between the union and Medical Arts Pharmacy will make it convenient for local union members to purchase their prescriptions locally. So while Rite Aid employees ready the store for closure, there is no word yet on what will be moving in. According to the City of Big Bear Lake’s Redevelopment Director Lyle Haynes, “The retail industry is really changing, and there’s a lot of moving and shaking out going on. ” Though the City was not involved in the lease negotiation between Interlaken’s owners, Sun Coast Development based in Orange County, and the Rite Aid Corporation, Haynes adds, “We are going to work with Sun Coast to find a suitable lessee. I view this as a great opportunity for the Interlaken Center and an opportunity for Big Bear Lake to diversify our retail base.”