Big Bear Valley, CA, August 24, 2010, 8:00am – This Saturday, August 28th, the public is invited and encouraged to attend the free Big Bear Valley Emergency Preparedness Fair at the Big Bear Convention Center at Big Bear Blvd and Division. The idea is the inspiration of Troop 49 Boy Scout, Matthew Nielsen, for his Eagle Scout Project. Matthew was motivated to create the fair after speaking at a Big Bear City Community Services District meeting to complete his communications badge. The Board was so inspired by Matthew’s presentation that they encouraged him to take it a step further. That step has lead to over 17 businesses and agencies coming together this weekend to provide valuable information to residents of Big Bear Valley so that as a community we can be better prepared in the event of an emergency. To better prepare himself for the fair, Matthew has trained in CERT, First Aid and CPR as well as taken classes with the Fire Department Explorers and engaged in ride alongs with the Big Bear City Fire Department. Beginning in Cub Scouts in the first grade, Matthew is now a Big Bear High School freshman with the motivation to continue in scouting after completing his Eagle Scout project this Saturday. Matthew tells Kbear, he has already earned 32 merit badges and has a goal to complete all 121 merit badges available. The Boy Scouts celebrate their 100th anniversary this year. According to his Dad and Scoutmaster for Troop 49, Alyn Nielsen tells Kbear the scouting program teaches the many different aspects of learning how to be a good person and be responsible. Saturday’s free Big Bear Valley Emergency Preparedness Fair is from 10am to 3pm at the Convention Center.